Personal, social and health education
Yr 10/11 PSHE - Making informed financial decisions
This complete KS4 unit of work comprises of six lessons on the topic of making informed financial decisions. All lessons are differentiated and engaging for learners. SOW for the unit is also included.
Lesson topics:
Managing a budget
Why have a budget?
The consequences of poor budgeting
Methods of payment
Fraud and identity theft
Consumer choices
Complete PSHE KS3 lessons and SOWs
This bundle includes SOWs and 30 weeks worth of engaging and differentiated lessons for Years 7-9. It takes a themematic approach centred on three key areas:
Local and Global Citizenship
Education for Employability
Personal Development
Complete Year 8 PSHE lessons and SOW (suitable for Middle East and international schools)
This complete Year 8 PSHE package contains 29 differentiated and engaging lessons alongside a complete scheme of work (covering 30 teaching weeks). These lessons have been designed and adapted with teaching in the Middle East and international schools in mind.
Topics covered
Diversity & Inclusion (2 lessons)
Human Rights (3 lessons)
Equality and Social Justice (2 lessons)
Active Participation (1 lesson)
Work in the local and global community (3 lessons)
Career managment (4 Lessons)
Enterprise and entrepreneurship (3 lessons)
Personal Development
Self awareness (4 lessons)
Personal health (5 lessons)
Positive relationships (2 lessons)
Complete Year 9 PSHE lessons and SOW (Suitable for Middle East and international schools)
This complete Year 9 PSHE package contains 23 differentiated and engaging lessons alongside a complete scheme of work (covering 30 teaching weeks). These lessons have been designed and adapted with teaching in the Middle East and international schools in mind.
Topics covered
Local and Global Citizenship
Diversity and Inclusion (2 Lessons)
Human Rights (2 Lessons)
Active Participation (2 Lessons)
Employability (8 Lessons)
The changing job market
Thinking about my future
Essential skills for employment
Enterprise and entrepreneurship
Social enterprise
Small businesses in the community
Personal Development
Personal Health (3 Lessons)
Positive Friendships (2 Lessons)
Self-Awareness (4 Lessons)
Complete Year 7 PSHE lessons and SOW (Suitable for Middle East and International Schools)
This complete Year 7 PSHE package contains 31 differentiated and engaging lessons alongside a complete scheme of work. These lessons have been designed and adapted with teaching in the Middle East and international schools in mind.
Complete Year 9 PSHE lessons and SOW (Suitable for Middle East) - sample lessons
This is a sample pack of 3 lessons for the complete Year 9 PSHE package which contains 23 differentiated and engaging lessons alongside a complete scheme of work (covering 30 teaching weeks). These lessons have been designed and adapted with teaching in the Middle East and international schools in mind.
Topics covered
Local and Global Citizenship
Diversity and Inclusion (2 Lessons)
Human Rights (2 Lessons)
Active Participation (2 Lessons)
Employability (8 Lessons)
The changing job market
Thinking about my future
Essential skills for employment
Enterprise and entrepreneurship
Social enterprise
Small businesses in the community
Personal Development
Personal Health (3 Lessons)
Positive Friendships (2 Lessons)
Self-Awareness (4 Lessons)
Complete Year 8 PSHE Lessons and SOW (suitable for Middle East) - Sample lessons
This package contains 3 free sample lessons for the complete Year 8 PSHE package which contains 29 differentiated and engaging lessons alongside a complete scheme of work (covering 30 teaching weeks). These lessons have been designed and adapted with teaching in the Middle East and international schools in mind.
Topics covered
Diversity & Inclusion (2 lessons)
Human Rights (3 lessons)
Equality and Social Justice (2 lessons)
Active Participation (1 lesson)
Work in the local and global community (3 lessons)
Career managment (4 Lessons)
Enterprise and entrepreneurship (3 lessons)
Personal Development
Self awareness (4 lessons)
Personal health (5 lessons)
Positive relationships (2 lessons)
Complete Year 7 PSHE lessons and SOW (Suitable for Middle East) - sample lessons
Two sample lessons for the complete Year 7 PSHE package which contains 31 differentiated and engaging lessons alongside a complete scheme of work. These lessons have been designed and adapted with teaching in the Middle East and international schools in mind.
KS3/4 PSHE Unit - 3 lessons on emotions and reactions to life experiences
This KS4 resource includes 3 differentiated lessons on emotions and reactions to life experiences.